No More Mods
Saturday, December 30th, 2006I’ve been warned to remove the mods on all my templates (except for the contact form mod, which is free to use) by the owner of Monster Submit. To be able to use the template’s mods (if you use a version that have mods, older version) you will have to pay 10$ at phpLD Vault.
Sorry for that, we were sure we could use those mods, you can read about it here. Today if you download our templates there will be no mods with them. Also if you want us to implement mods for you, follow the above instructions and contact us with as much informations as you can (What version you are using, for which template, what position–placement you want for your mods, etc..etc..) and we’ll try to make that up for you.
Now it is said, if you use our templates with mods and you didn’t pay for it, you could get in some copyrighting troubles.
P-S: We will contact you using the contact form mod on your directory that uses our templates to let you know about those changes and the step you have to take to be legitimate.