Archive for December, 2006

No More Mods

Saturday, December 30th, 2006

I’ve been warned to remove the mods on all my templates (except for the contact form mod, which is free to use) by the owner of Monster Submit. To be able to use the template’s mods (if you use a version that have mods, older version) you will have to pay 10$ at phpLD Vault.

Sorry for that, we were sure we could use those mods, you can read about it here. Today if you download our templates there will be no mods with them. Also if you want us to implement mods for you, follow the above instructions and contact us with as much informations as you can (What version you are using, for which template, what position–placement you want for your mods, etc..etc..) and we’ll try to make that up for you.

Now it is said, if you use our templates with mods and you didn’t pay for it, you could get in some copyrighting troubles.

P-S: We will contact you using the contact form mod on your directory that uses our templates to let you know about those changes and the step you have to take to be legitimate.

Problem in Asia

Saturday, December 30th, 2006

Internet has been slowed down for 5 days now, there will be no templates until internet recovered at 100%.

Nobody Submits Manually to Directories

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

It’s a fact, after i patched IWD to stop receiving submissions by bots, i lost 90% of submissions. Is this a joke? Where are all those submissions from companies that claims themselves ‘Manual Submitters’?

I advise everyone to patch their directories, no more headaches, no more massive ban, no more waste of time, it’s freedom! Now webmasters doesn’t need to switch their free directories into paid directories due to huge amount of spam submissions 🙂
So i’m very happy now and will patch all my other directories this week end!

Stop Submissions Bot on phpLD!

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

This is a great day for people like me, like Jim Westergren, Derek at PortProphecy and all the others that receives more than 250 spam bot submissions per day 🙂

The Fix works for all versions except the v2.0-v2.1

This phpld fix is brought you by Jim Westergren. Original post of spam bot phpld fix.
Thread on PHP Link Directory forum thread for spam bot submissions.

(On the thread of php link directory! Do not do as told in the first post but keep reading below, Jim figured out 2 solutions, first one was not that great, second one is awesome!)

Enjoy! 😉

Go back to v3.0.6

Friday, December 15th, 2006

I’ve downgrading Irka Web Directory from 3.1 to 3.0.6 to work more efficiently mainly due to admins issues, this new admin is not easy to work with, big, and confusing.

So because of that…

I’ll keep doing templates on v3.0.6, so now all templates will be on the version 2.1, 3.0.6 & 3.1. Which means ok you will be able to use them!

Time To Make Some Choices

Thursday, December 14th, 2006

I have been upgrading IWD to the v3.1, and it’s not bad at all! That new version is ok but i think i preferred the old one, this is a reason why i’m gonna to upgrade just the major directory and not the others.

Time for you to make choices here!

I am going to upgrade 2 templates of your choice in v3.1 and no more! Just put a comment with which template you’d like to see on v3.1 and i’ll make that up for you guys,

As i know me, the forthcoming templates will be better and better, now all templates will be up for v3.1 and v2.1 only, as we try to keep up with the new phpld technology and force the change. Bye Bye V3.0.6!

I am awaiting you for templates suggestions!

Important Information on Using Templates

Sunday, December 3rd, 2006

I got a very important question on Red Lava’s Thread on NamePros Forum about using mods on phpld template.

So here is the question by angisson
Question: Can you clear up something for me?

I downloaded it (yes just got around to it) and found paid mods from in there. thease are not free mods, you have to pay to get access (like I did) to get them, did Dan give you permission to do that, and if so proof?

Answer: I can add mods in my templates so it avoids a lot of trouble installing the template.

Although, when you downloaded a template that contains mods such as ‘Suggest Category’, ‘Rate Listings’, ‘Report Listings’, ‘Statistics Mod’ etc. etc., you will have to pay for 10$ lifetime membership so you use the templates legitimately. Nobody is a modder/programmer/scripter for phpld, it is good that you pay those 10 bucks and then it’s done (same with the php link directory forum support for v3) and,
It is the same as the version 3 of phpld, you will have to buy the phpld license and report to David about it in order to use the version 3 for phpld.

Note: This is the responsability of the user to know what they have to do when they use a template from PHPLD Your Site. I/WE am/are not responsible for any problems regarding illegal use of mods and version 3 of phpld.

Also before using templates read this section of the terms of use!

About Sponsored Links on Templates

Saturday, December 2nd, 2006

You can delete them! They are just examples, you can replace them by the websites of your friends or community.

New version of phpLD Released v3.1.0

Friday, December 1st, 2006

So for all the new guys that wants to run a directory using the php link directory technology, here are a few tips and informations:

Thread on php Link Directory Forum about v3.1 (discussion)
Official thread of the v3.1 release

Old resources for phpld version 3:

Upgrade to Version 3 thread

Problems encountered

Seems like some mods aren’t supported. So, perhaps it’s better to wait a while before installing it, once i notice everything is alright i’ll start upgrading templates for v3.1 and will also upgrade my directories (outch**) That hurt!
I keep every one informed,