Some of you would like to know how to fix that issue. There are 2 fixes. One is more recommended than the other one, but you’ll see and choose which way you want it to be for your directories.
Creating the Ads and Implementing them:
1. Go to your adsense account and create a google ad that fits the layout of the template. Then open the template and see the ads placements (logically already created for you).
If you copy and past the code of your adsense ad without modifying it, it will never work. To make it work you have to delete the HTML comments tags < !-- //-->

I never had problems doing that seriously, though its annoying to modify each ad, but it’ll work out in the end!
2. The second method is the best but also a bit boring to do. Well the idea is to create a “.tpl” file for each google ads and other advertisements. You will then file that .tpl file with the adsense javascript code and nothing else!
To implement the .tpl files just add the following code {include file=”example.tpl”} (change example.tpl to the real file you want to use) where you want to use the ad and it’ll be fine! If you have just 1 directory and you have to do modifications it will take just 15 minutes, for others like me who got 5 of them and templates it’ll take time to re-do all the ads stuffs! I was using the first method for a while :).
Hope that helps..