Archive for November, 2006

Red Lava new phpLD Template

Friday, November 24th, 2006


– Version 3.0.6 & 2.1
– Red layout, suits nicely for business and general directories
– Ads placements already created.
– Accessible for IE 5.5+, FireFox, Opera and other web browsers.
No Demo available for the template ( just look at the screenshots below or browse the phpLD templates user page. )
– The zip file contains .psd files, fonts, template installation guide, .png files (working for IE5.5/6.0 using some javascript fix).

Particularity of the Template:

CSS menu, that menu bar looks really cool! (Let’s hope there is still the demo so you get a proof of it!)
Mods installed on v3.0.6: Suggest Category + Alexa Traffic Details in Link’s Details page + Contact us + Statistic Mod.
Mods installed on v2.1: Suggest Category + Details Page Mod (with alexa traffic rankings also) + Contact us + Statistic Mod.

Screenshots of the Templates:

Red Lava Screenshot 1 Red Lava Screenshot 2 Red Lava Screenshot 3 Red Lava Screenshot 4

Download Red Lava Template:

Red Lava Version 2.1 | (361kb / .zip)
Red Lava Version 3.0.6 | (271kb / .zip)

SEO Contest For the Keywords

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

SEO Directory Contest Dot Com Introduction

Dalai lama in the keyword, he will pwns anyone on his path, so beware of the dude! will not provide informations of the directory of the Dalai Lama for security reasons.

It happens that on internet search engine optimizers gets bored and actually try to do something interesting with our friend gaygle search engine the first homosexual search engine. Cause it’s internet! (Thanks to Rob at DirectoryDump to sponsor the contest with Gaygle the Gay search engine.)
So those things are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Contest. The purpose is to rank first or in the TOP10 results for a keyword (that the sponsor/admin/boss of the contest decided) on a search engine.

Organizers of the contest set up rules, for example, do not use that keyword or this keyword but still you’ve to rank for it. It can be very fun to do seo contests, for instance you learn a lot. When you see a site ranking first and you tried all your best to get to the top ranking, you will learn and understand (if you’re smart obviously) why he ranked first and not you. If you love search engine optimization, you have to try doing those contests!

Why that site is ranking first and not me? How can i outrank kick the hell out of him?

– Get backlinks is one of the biggest factor why of why you will rank first. In a seo/directory contest, SEOs will trade/buy/sell links, and this is the main reason why the winner is the winner. So get backlinks! But how can i get those famous backlinks that’ll make me win that contest?

Go to forums and add links to your signature, so that each time you post something you’ll get backlink(s). (Still with the forums) Trade & Buy links (only if you can of course) on forums like NamePros or DigitalPoint.

For directory contests it’s a bit different cause people are building links for the short term, and not in the long term like most of websites should do. So if you own a normal site, and wanna be part of the contest, there are may be no needs of promoting the page. Promoting the contest page your created like hell will result to a ban with gaygle.

– Do some ON Page SEO and OFF Page SEO. But what’s that?

Well on page SEO is a term you employ when you optimize all the HTML ranking factors that could help your gaygle placement. Words/Keywords (google doesn’t make any difference anyway) should be, placed in H1 H2 tags, in bold, in italic, not so densed (make sure you don’t use them too much, you can use a keywords density tool to avoid those stuffs) but all on a same sentence or same page, in the meta tags, and more that you have to discover yourself! The SEO Contest!

Mao is with

Visit Directory Contest Dot Com website for some more informations :). SO this is a directory contest actually, and not a blog one. Which means i’ll be no winner even though this articles shows up in google SERPs which i hope.
The directories appearing in the TOP 10 for the keyword  will receive prizes! How cute! Lot’s of directoriy owners will enter that contest.

The prizes for the contest of

Here are the prizes page at So the winner will get 1200$ which is good, if you spend promoting your directory to win that contest, be sure you spend at least half of it and you’re sure of what you’re doing. Cause it’s easy to lose an SEO contest especially in the end on the final run when everybody is fixed and knows what they have to do to break the hell out of the websites ranking first or all the ones in the TOP10. That’s called SEO strategy, some guys will wait the end of the contest to appear and kicks a$$ and that’s great.

Who are the Sponsors of A directory contest!

Jeff Behrendt, Jamey Perkins, Pete, Chris Hoffman, Aaron, Eric, Coolwebs, CReed, Crazy Zap, Whatifind, Shenron, Amit Patel, Manish

All informations about the sponsors are on the Sponsors Page.

Thanks to the sponsors of this contest, it’s really nice to see some people actually DO care about those kind of stuffs, big thanks to Jeff, Jamey, Chris, Aaron & Eric for their generous contribution :).

When is the deadline of the Contest?

On February 6th 2007, 10 AM P.S.T. we will know who is the winner of the contest, probably a directory that’s for sure.


Good Luck and
May the force of SEO Contest be with you!

phpLD Site of the month Contest! November 2006

Monday, November 13th, 2006


Every month… there is a contest at phplinkdirectory forum to decide who got the best design/content/modifications ever!

I need your vote for IWD!


Vote for the phpld site contest of the month for november 2006 .

Security Flow in phpLD 2.1 & 2.0

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

You might be interested in reading the article of After 5 Web Design relating about a security issue in phpLD 2.1 and 2.0,

As Rob stated on Digital Point forum, the version 2.0 and 2.1 has been patched and can be downloaded at PHP Link Directory.

Patch your directories to avoid spammy submissions! Thanks for Tim Myth to have pointed that error out.