The Spirit


– Version 3.0.6 & 2.1
– Clean layout that fits for all kind of web directories.
– Ads placements already created.
– Accessible for IE 5.5+, FireFox, Opera and other web browsers.
No Demo available for the template ( just look at the screenshots below or browse the phpLD templates user page. )
– The zip file contains .psd files, fonts, template installation guide, .png files (working for IE5.5/6.0 using some javascript fix).

Full Screenshot:


Other Screenshots (if demo not available):

ts-sc1.jpg ts-sc3.jpgts-sc2.jpg
Download Grey Luxury Template:

The Spirit Version 2.1 | (194kb / .zip)
The Spirit Version 3.0.6 | (323kb / .zip)

12 Responses to “The Spirit”

  1. Blue Raccoon » List of Available Free Templates for PHPLD Says:

    […] The Spirit at PHPLDYourSite […]

  2. John Castro Says:


    I just download your template and upload all files. Actually i am unknow about PHP please see my site why your template not working.


  3. Admin Says:

    ** Unauthorized access !! You’re not allowed to access file or folder! **

    This is the message i get when i try to access your site, send me all the details of your problems, the step you took during the installation of php link directory and what versions of phpld you are using for your directory!

  4. Blue Raccoon » Free PHPLD Templates Says:

    […] The Spirit at PHPLDYourSite […]

  5. John Castro Says:

    Dear Admin,

    Can you upload me all files and folders ? If yes, please give me your email address I will send you id and password.


  6. Mark N. Says:

    How do I change the size and font for the pages that display the category and subcategory names with “The Spirit” template? Have tried to do this with the main.css with no luck – I want to increase the font size to 10pt.



  7. Admin Says:

    John Castro and Mark, use this email address *********, give me as much informations as you can then when i have time i’ll try to help you,

    I have a lot of people asking me for help everyday it’s hard to follow up with everyone, sorry for that,


  8. Free Directory Says:

    Personally i flavour blue template a lot. This template is look nice and what i looking for.
    will try it at my current free directory site.

  9. mamun Says:

    I want to use this template in my site
    But I have a question.
    I want 3 column plus sponsor column like this.
    Is it possible without moding the template?

    Thanks for your time.

  10. Admin Says:

    I think you’ll have to modify the template to fit your needs, but it’s nothing complicated if you know phpLD. Actually i can’t help people right now as i am very busy working on some other projects,

    If you’re lucky you might find help on the phpld forum if they are on a good mood:

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