Abstract Blue


– Version 3.0.6
– Layout goes with all kind of directories.
– Ad placement already created. There is possibility in adding and ad in the top right part of the header.
– Accessible for IE 5.5+, FireFox, Opera and other web browsers.
No Demo available for the template ( just look at the screenshots below or browse the phpLD templates user page. )
– To see how links renders like visit the category Internet.
– The zip file contains .psd files, fonts, template installation guide, .png files (working for IE5.5/6.0 using some javascript fix).

Full Screenshot:


Other Screenshots (if demo not available):


Download Grey Luxury Template:

Abstract Blue Version 3.0.6 | (278kb / .zip)


– Creation of ‘leftsidebar.tpl’.
– top_bar.tpl doesn’t really exist anymore on that template, it is just for user registration only.
– Don’t forget to follow the installation.txt file if you want everything to work properly

5 Responses to “Abstract Blue”

  1. Royden Says:

    I do like this template and would like to download it and try it out. Unfortunately I’m am hitting a 404 error page not found instead of getting this zip file? Has the file moved? Cheers, R

  2. Admin Says:

    Thank you for the feedback,
    Now you should download the file with no problems, thanks for letting me know :),


  3. TED Says:

    Thanks for the great templates, your work is awesome

  4. betty Says:


    I having troubles running the Abstract bluephpld on yahoo server. I
    spoke them them for 1 1/2hr last night .they assured me they were some things missing in the phphld I downloaded. .
    I have some question. Is there any changes I am to do before I load the site from my desktop to my domain. Any setting to change? I tried to follow the installation guide and It Is not working.

    Where do I find the template manager to find grey luxury? Yahoo is tought
    to navigate through. I have to use a php administator. Where is the adminstration panel. “Fixpng.js” is not in the contact folder it is separated from that folder.

    Patiently awaiting your reply

    Betty White

  5. Admin Says:


    I can help you but you will have to give me the codes to connect on your FTP and on your phpld admin page, just send them at patrick_at_irkawebpromotions.com (replace the _at_ with @), Thanks,

    I’ll try to do my best