Archive for October, 2006

Irka Web Directory phpLD Template All Versions

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006


– Version 3.0.6 & 2.1
– Clean layout that fits for all kind of web directories.
– Available in 5 different colors! (See screenshots)
– Ads placements already created.
– Accessible for IE 5.5+, FireFox, Opera and other web browsers. Validated by the World Wide Web Consortium.
V3.0.6 Demo: Irka Web Directory
V2.1 Demo: Irka Web Directory
– To see how links renders like visit the category Computing on the v2.1 and the category Internet on the v3.0.6.
– The zip file contains .psd files, fonts, template installation guide, .png files (working for IE5.5/6.0 using some javascript fix).

Templates Screenshots:

In Pink:

Simply visit the original Irka Web Directory.

In Blue:


In Yellow:


In Green:


– In Black & Red (Ewww!! Yeah i know, anyway if you like it you can have the same embedded logo in red using the files provided in the folder “psd”):


Some Notes:

By keeping the backlinks of that template intact you will help me and my partners to build a very great free resource on internet, we especially count on the use of that template to lead that project to success.

So please do not remove the links in the footer for hours of work’s sake, if you want IWD to remain free this is the only way.
You can remove both backlinks by buying the template for $30.

Mods Added:

– On the v3.0.6: Suggest Category Mod.

– On the v2.1: Suggest Category Mod, Details Mod.

Download The Files!

Irka Web Directory 2.1 | (1,124kb / .zip)
Irka Web Directory 3.0.6 | (1,119kb / .zip)

Comment about the colors, tell us which color you better like!

Maintenance On Current Templates

Sunday, October 29th, 2006


I received messages from users that requested i do some changes to some templates. e.g: the logo button (back to homepage) doesn’t work correctly, or you can’t show your google ads.

I’ve fixed all those problems, now you will not encounter any troubles using those templates, i try my best to make you guys using those templates easily without any problems.

Little reminder For Adsense on PHPLD

To make your google ads work, just use that code {literal} Here are your google adsense script or any ads script {/literal}. Without those tags, the ads will not show up! So do not miss using them.

If you have any problems of any kind with phpLD, please visit the Knowledge Base Section at PHP Link Directory.

Using A Template On V 3.0.0 > 3.0.5

I’ve no time creating templates for all versions, i’m alone building them, if someone helps me well why not but right now i cannot. So here are a few tips for you to have any templates in v3.00 to v3.05.

Download any available templates in v2.1. Basically its the same script (V2.1 to v3.0X except v3.06) except for the files main.tpl and top_bar.tpl, just follow the html structure on v2.1 and copy and past it to the new template file (in v3.0X) without removing the original script.

If you are not careful, well it will works out but, latest links, top hits and category search will not work properly, so make sure it works fine, you can be a phpld designer too it’s not that difficult.

It can takes a while before you’ve your template working at 100% on any versions, just test your templates out until you see no mistakes, make sure people visit your templates also to give you comments or insights about what could be done to improve it or where are located mistakes and errors,

Next Template is Coming!

Yep Yep Yep! YAY! Yeah you will see how it looks like once its finished 😉


Some Statistics (October 2006)

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Just wanted to share the number of referrals i got from google (mostly from google. Yahoo er… is sleeping). Here are the stats:


Rankings right now are:


I used the great Mikes Marketing Ranking Report Tool. Guys there got awesome tools, go check it and have some fun. Seems like i have a few #1 rankings. Will try my best to get to the top, for a first month this is so so.

I also didn’t prepared the next template, i am extremly busy working on directories such as Irka Web Directory.


Futuristic Artists phpLD Templates – Deep Blue

Friday, October 20th, 2006

A very good template offered by coolweb

This templates works for the v3.0.6 of php Link Directory, it got some very good design and which suits perfectly for business niche directories or general directories.

– Demo of the template at
– Download DeepBlue Template

License: Free to use (Require link back in footer) Please view readme.txt file inside the template pack for all details.

[ DeepBlue Author Website ]

Statistic Mod Bug on Some Pages

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

To make the statistic mod working on all of your pages including the submit page, suggest category page, report bad listing page and all kind, you have to follow the same instructions as for the file index.php when installing the statistic mod on your directory.

Just add that code: require_once ‘statistic.php’; right under require_once ‘init.php’; in all the *.php page you create including “submit.php”.

Another phpLD Adsense Ads Fix

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

From PHP Link Directory.

Well its pretty different from the other fixes, but this one is the best!
Thanks for the phpLD Team!

Free Old Port Prophecy Template V3.0.6

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

New template from Port Prophecy,

This is the old template, as you know portprophecy redesigned his directory recently! So he thought it would be a good idea to share his old directory design as a template. This design has won the PHP Link Directory site of the month contest of August 2006. So actually people will love that template!

Download Portprophecy v3.0.6 Template!

– Demo of the template (for a limited time)
– Demo of the links layout (for a limited time)


Abstract Blue

Saturday, October 14th, 2006


– Version 3.0.6
– Layout goes with all kind of directories.
– Ad placement already created. There is possibility in adding and ad in the top right part of the header.
– Accessible for IE 5.5+, FireFox, Opera and other web browsers.
No Demo available for the template ( just look at the screenshots below or browse the phpLD templates user page. )
– To see how links renders like visit the category Internet.
– The zip file contains .psd files, fonts, template installation guide, .png files (working for IE5.5/6.0 using some javascript fix).

Full Screenshot:


Other Screenshots (if demo not available):


Download Grey Luxury Template:

Abstract Blue Version 3.0.6 | (278kb / .zip)


– Creation of ‘leftsidebar.tpl’.
– top_bar.tpl doesn’t really exist anymore on that template, it is just for user registration only.
– Don’t forget to follow the installation.txt file if you want everything to work properly

Google Ads Not Loading on phpLD Templates

Friday, October 13th, 2006

Some of you would like to know how to fix that issue. There are 2 fixes. One is more recommended than the other one, but you’ll see and choose which way you want it to be for your directories.

Creating the Ads and Implementing them:

1. Go to your adsense account and create a google ad that fits the layout of the template. Then open the template and see the ads placements (logically already created for you).

If you copy and past the code of your adsense ad without modifying it, it will never work. To make it work you have to delete the HTML comments tags < !-- //-->

Adsense Troubleshooting for phpLD Directory Users

I never had problems doing that seriously, though its annoying to modify each ad, but it’ll work out in the end!

2. The second method is the best but also a bit boring to do. Well the idea is to create a “.tpl” file for each google ads and other advertisements. You will then file that .tpl file with the adsense javascript code and nothing else!
To implement the .tpl files just add the following code {include file=”example.tpl”} (change example.tpl to the real file you want to use) where you want to use the ad and it’ll be fine! If you have just 1 directory and you have to do modifications it will take just 15 minutes, for others like me who got 5 of them and templates it’ll take time to re-do all the ads stuffs! I was using the first method for a while :).

Hope that helps..

PHPLDYourSite Users ~ Listen Up!

Friday, October 13th, 2006


First of all, thank you! We are happy that web directories owners use our free phpld templates, it really gives us the feeling that we do something valuable!

PHPLD Templates Users:

We have created a page dedicated to the users of phpld your site that use our phpld templates, if you use one of our templates and/or want to use one of them, we will add the link of your web directory on the phpLD Templates Users page. You will benefit of our pagerank and traffic. That page is in sitewide with the rest of the site.

How can i remove the ‘PHPLD Your Site’ footer link?

You might want to have a directory without any external backlinks like No Dangers, this helps having more popularity and keeping backlinks within your directory so you don’t loose pagerank (even though you don’t loose that much).
Well the price to remove the link is 50$/directory, if you are interested you can email us and give us your URL, we work with Paypal.

To remove the PHP Link Directory footer link, you will have to buy the full version of phpLD without the link back retained for 75$/directory. If you do not follow that rule we will not support you.

Obviously people that remove the PHPLD Your Site link without authorization will face problems with us, nothing that bad but enough to make you loose all the interests of using our web directory templates.

Don’t forget we design those directories templates for free and this is time consuming! You have no obligation in buying the exclusive right of the template or remove the footer text link of phpld your site! It’s all up to you!

About Sponsoring a Template?

For now there are no programs on sponsoring templates. But we’ll let you know when we are ready for that.


Thanks again and we hope you will like our phpLD templates and use them for your directories projects :),
